Pathogens Panel
Bordetella Parapertussis
Bordetella pertussis
Coronavirus HKU 1
Coronavirus NL63
Coronavirus 229E
Coronavirus 0C43
Haemophilus Influenza Type B
Human Metapneumovirus
Human Bocavirus
Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
Influenza A
Influenza B
Respiratory Syncytial Virus A & B
Human Parainfluenza Virus 1
Human Parainfluenza Virus 2
Human Parainfluenza Virus 3
Human Parainfluenza Virus 4
MRSA (mecA, mecC, Class B mec
Staphylococcus aures
Streptococcus pyogenes
Moraxella Catarrhalis
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Haemophilus Influenza
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumonia
Legionella pneumoniae
Antibiotic Stewardship Quick Facts
Each year in the US, 2 million people acquire serious bacterial infections that are resistant to one or more prescribed antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die as a direct result of these antibiotic-resistant infections.8
An estimated 55% of antibiotic prescriptions for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections are unnecessary.’
The misuse of antibiotics costs the US healthcare system over $20 billion each year.’°
Implications of Antibiotic Resistance
Increases mortality and morbidity from untreatable diseases.
Increases risk of global spread of pathogens.
Results in longer, more frequent hospital stays.
Limits drug options at a time when pharmaceutical companies are developing fewer new antimicrobials.
Increases cost of research for new drugs.